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ACR Offers Opportunities to Advertise in Our Publications and on Our Website The mission of ACR's publications is to support the professional development needs of conflict resolvers, educate the general public about the value of conflict resolution, and advance its successful use in all areas of modern life. If you are interested in publicizing your practice, program or training one of our publications can reach your target market of conflict resolution specialists.
Conflict Resolution Quarterly (CRQ), our quarterly academic publication. CRQ publishes scholarship on relationships between theory, research, and practice in the conflict management and dispute resolution field to promote more effective professional applications. Articles focus on any aspect of the conflict resolution process or context, but a primary focus is the behavior, role and impact of third parties in effectively handling conflict at all levels from the interpersonal to the international. CRQ also welcomes all theoretical and methodological orientations. |
ACResolution Magazine is published quarterly and is produced by ACR's Editorial Committee. Each issues focuses on a specific theme and seeks diversity in authors and subject matter. All articles are original. |
The ACR Update is a weekly electronic newsletter serving the ACR membership. ACR Section and Chapter news is included each month along with ACR news and events. Ads are limited. Click here to view the ACR Update Advertising Media Kit. |
The ACR website reaches an average of 20,000 visitors each month. This campaign consists of Skyscraper Banner that is located in the right column of almost every page on Availability is limited – only 15 offered per year.
Mediating with Mindfulness